A-Z Fundraising Ideas

We’ve put together this super simple list of A-Z fundraising ideas to get you started!

A: Alcohol-free

Swap pints for pounds by going sober for a night, a week or a month.

B: Be brave

Face your fears, rake in the sponsorships and do something brave for charity.

C: Coffee morning

Gather your friends and colleagues for a morning of coffee and cake.

D: Donate your birthday

Instead of pressies, ask for donations towards YMCA for your birthday.

E: eBay your stuff

In need of a clear out? Sell unwanted stuff online and donate profits to YMCA.

F: Festivals

Love music festivals? Host your own and ask attendees for a small donation.

G: Give up a luxury

Give up sweet treats, takeaway or a night out and donate the money saved.

H: Helping hand

Offer to help a friend or family member out in return for a donation to YMCA.

I: Indoor games

Have a Nintendo Switch, XBox or PlayStation? Host a games tournament.

J: JustGiving

Already have a fundraising idea? Head to JustGiving and create an account.

K: Karaoke night

Get your friends around and test those vocals – apologies to the neighbours!

L: Learn a new skill

Get sponsored to learn the skill you’ve always promised to master.

M: Movie night

Host a movie night for your friends, provide the popcorn and charge for it.

N: Name the bear

Make a list of 100 names and charge £1 to pick a name. Winner gets the bear!

O: Old skool games

Host a retro games night. Suggest a donation to play – no Monopoly money!

P: Pimms O’Clock

Test your mixology skills and host a cocktail night in return for donations.

Q: Quids in

Get your school or club to cover the length of a sports hall using £1 coins.

R: Retail therapy

Sacrifice 3 luxury items from your weekly shop and donate the money saved.

S: Social media

Social media is an excellent way to spread the word about your fundraising.

T: Triathalon

Why choose between cycling, swimming and running when you can do all three?

U: Ugly jumpers

Ask your pupils or colleagues to don their most tragic jumpers and to bring in £1.

W: Wine and cheese night

Hosting a wine and cheese evening is so easy and a cracker way to raise cash!

X: Xmas pressies

Instead of a monetary donation, collect Christmas gifts for our young people.

Y: Your event

None of the above tickle your fancy? Raise money your way with your own event.

Z: Zumbathon

Encourage your Zumba group to take part. Bust a move and donations will pile in!