Case Study: Abi’s Story
After multiple police incidents and difficulties at home, the Youth Offending Team along with Social Services referred Abi to YMCA. Abi’s behaviour made her presence at home with her mum and younger siblings unsafe, forcing Social Services to take action, removing Abi’s 1 year old son from the home and placing them both into alternative care.

Abi’s first few months with YMCA were turbulent to say the least. With anger problems and an alcohol addiction, there was a lot for our support workers to work through with her. Abi engaged with all sessions, putting in the time and effort to tackle her addiction and working with the Youth Offending Team to learn better ways to manage her anger.

Soon after, Abi secured 2 overnight stays each week with her son, giving her the motivation to push on. Abi finally began engaging with group and individual key work sessions with YMCA, and even began attending boxing sessions with the other residents, which was a major step for her. Abi is now also taking pride in her flat; she has gone from letting the rubbish bags pile up in the kitchen to making sure her flat is spotless all the time.

YMCA staff have seen monumental growth in Abi and are now working with Abi to secure a flat of her own where she hopes to start a new life with her son.

*At Abi’s request, we have used different name and an actor in the photograph.

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