YMCA Impact Report 2019 – 2020
24 Sep, 2020
The annual Impact Report provides a summary of the amazing work that goes on within the organisation as a whole. In 2019-20 YMCA North Tyneside supported more children and young people than ever before. Both in terms of early years education and through our accommodation and youth outreach work.

In 2019-20 YMCA North Tyneside supported more children and young people than ever before. Both in terms of early years education and through our accommodation and youth outreach work.

There are some impressive numbers!

Attendances at our afterschool clubs

Days of learning at YMCA Day Nursery

Nights of accommodation provided to vulnerable young people

Interactions with 537 young people in youth work settings

Under 18 gym sessions

But behind these numbers are hours and hours of work and commitment from an incredible team of staff and volunteers, as well as some truly inspiring stories. 

Take Oli, a young person who’d been in the care system since the age of 11. By the time he arrived on YMCA’s doorstep he was struggling relating to other people, his mental health was very poor and he was facing homelessness. YMCA support workers worked intensively with him over a number of months and Oli has since flourished, passing his college course and building positive relationships. He now has mucher greater self-confidence and is working towards studying at university.

COMMENTS FROM OUR CEO- Dean Titterton, CEO of YMCA North Tyneside said:

“Without YMCA many children and young people may never have the opportunity to develop and fulfil their potential…. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing young people grow in confidence and become who they were meant to be. I’m incredibly proud of everything we have achieved in the last year and even more excited about what we can contribute to our community in the future.”

YMCA North Tyneside would particularly like to thank all the individuals and organisations who have supported us in 2019-20. Without your time, advice and financial support, YMCA would not have been able to achieve anything like the sort of impact we have been able to achieve. Thank you!


Can you support YMCA achieve an even greater impact? If so, then please contact our CEO today by sending an email.

For more information about our charitable causes, and the work we do with young people, please click here.

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