Programme Terms and Conditions
I understand that YMCA activities have inherent risks and hereby assume all risks and hazards to my child for the participation of these activities. I further waive, release, absolve, and agree to hold harmless the YMCA, the organisers, volunteers, supervisors, officers, directors, participants from any claims or injury sustained during my child’s use of the facilities or participation in the YMCA programme.
I understand that in the event that my child requires emergency medical treatment and I cannot be reached, I hereby authorise YMCA staff to make arrangements to transport my child to the nearest hospital. I also give my consent for any and all necessary medical treatment, if, in fact, my child requires the attention of a doctor.
I acknowledge that if YMCA cancels a scheduled programme or club, a full refund will be issued for fees paid as soon as possible. I understand that if I wish or need to cancel a paid session, 48 hours advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the 48 hour advance notice.
I understand to leave a message on 07868 784810 or email if my child will not be attending after I have booked, to enable staff to make any necessary adjustments.
I agree to take note of the time when a booked club or activity finishes. I understand to ring 07868 784810 if you are held up and unable to arrive by this time. YMCA understands that occasionally unexpected events mean that parents can be late picking up their child, however staff are not contracted to work beyond the scheduled end time of the club or activity. I acknowledge there will therefore be a charge for late pickups of £5.00 per child for each 15 minutes after the club or activity has ended; this is to cover the cost of staffing past schedule sessions. I understand that if YMCA have received no phone call by 30 min after the session ends, and have been unable to make contact with one of your emergency contacts, Social Services will be contacted.
I understand YMCA will sometimes arrange activities which involve the children going offsite. If I do not wish my child to take part in these activities, I will inform YMCA in writing before my child attends.
I agree to ensure that my child has appropriate clothing for physical activity, sunscreen for when outdoor activities are planned, and is provided with a packed lunch on every day they attend as appropriate (such as during our Holiday Clubs).
I understand parents and carers have the obligation to disclose significant, medical, physical or behavioural issues at the time of the child’s enrolment and on an ongoing basis.
I understand that YMCA will not tolerate aggressive behaviour or language towards our staff, volunteers, or other participants and we reserve the right to remove any participants or family from all future programmes if any occurrences of aggressive behaviour or language happens.